Blog Ring of Power Presents: Suzanne Lilly

Welcome to another Blog Ring of Power Friday, and a warm welcome to Suzanne Lilly.  Thanks for joining us in the Realm.  

For the rest of her interview, don't forget to check out my BRoP buddies
Part 3 is right here with me

Author Bio:
Suzanne Lilly writes lighthearted young adult stories with a splash of suspense, a flash of the unexplained, a dash of romance, and always a happy ending. Her short stories have appeared in numerous places online and in print, and she has placed and received honorable mentions in writing contests. Her debut novel is Shades of the Future, (July 2012, Turquoise Morning Press) followed by Untellable, (February 2013.) She lives in Northern California where she reads, writes, cooks, swims, and teaches elementary students.

Section #3: The Creative Process

BRoP:  Where do you get your story ideas?
SL:  My stories come from all around me. Whatever I see, experience, read, or hear about might spark a story seed. I always ask, “What if?” It leads me on a tangent that turns into a story.

BRoP:  How do you deal with writer’s block?
SL:  I play twenty questions that all begin with, “What if?” or “Why?”

BRoP:  How do you develop your plots and characters? Do you use any set formula?
SL:  I’m very visual, so I create a picture board. For the novel I’m working on now, I have four picture boards of the setting, the characters, their philosophies, and their clothing. I have them hanging on the wall above my desk so every time I lean back in my chair to decide what happens next, I’m looking at the picture boards. I know many authors use Pinterest this way.

BRoP:  Are you a “plotter” or a “pantser” (do you plan/outline the story ahead of time or write “by the seat of your pants”)?
SL:  I’m an extreme plotter. I would drive a pantser nuts with all my notes, cards, colored pens, and story boards.

BRoP:  Do you use critique partners or beta readers? Why or why not?
Yes, I’m very lucky to have extremely talented critique partners and beta readers. Critique partners help me target writing craft errors, such as POV, or tension. Beta readers help me see where the story flows and where it doesn’t. Both are so important to me, and I value everyone who helps me in this way. Of course, I always return the favor.

What would you give to see the future? Would you make your dreams come true? Would you change the things you didn’t like?
Mariah Davis loves animals, running, and her hunk of a boyfriend, Kevin Creamer. Everything looks bright for her until the day she finds a pair of sunglasses that allow her to see the future.
When she glimpses a disaster looming, she tries to avoid it but fails. She has a car accident that lands her in a wheelchair, smashing her hopes for a running scholarship to the veterinary program at Ohio State University. She pushes Kevin away, thinking he’ll want to end their relationship now that she can’t walk.
Will she ever learn to trust and love again? She could search for an answer in the sunglasses. But she’s afraid what they reveal might destroy her.

Please let us know where your readers can stalk you:
Facebook page:
Goodreads author page:
Twitter: @suzannelilly
Google +:

What format is your book(s) available in (print, e-book, audio book, etc.)
It’s available in print and digital formats.


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