Blog Ring of Power Presents: Kelsey Jordan

It's another Monday. I know, break out the coffee, sit back for a few minutes and relax because we have another BRoP author to show off. Welcome Kelsey Jordan to the Realm!

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Don't forget the rest of the interview is up today as well. 
Part 3 @ here with me!

Like everyone, Kelsey has her share of vices. They typically center around sinful frappes made with Blue Bell Coffee ice cream, late nights hanging out with her demanding muse, spending an embarrassing amount of time reading, and napping.
When she isn't indulging in her love of books, music, late nights with her muse, and delicious, but fattening frappes, she is spending time with her hubby and daughter.

Section #3: The Creative Process

BRoP: Where do you get your story ideas? 

Kelsey: I’m one of those people who stumbles into a new idea. It’s kind of distracting to tell you the truth.

BRoP: How do you deal with writer’s block? 

Kelsey: Work on something else. If it’s only a scene giving me an issue, I hand-write it. I feel the return to the organic (paper and pen) process helps me focus on the task better than dealing with technology. It’s a pain to transcribe, but it works for me. 

BRoP: Are you a “plotter” or a “pantser” (do you plan/outline the story ahead of time or write “by the seat of your pants”)? 

Kelsey: I’m a halfser. I have the overall concept of the story, but I go along with my characters as they journey they along. 

BRoP: Do you use critique partners or beta readers? Why or why not? 

Kelsey: I use beta readers. I don’t have a particular reason other than it has worked the best for me.

BRoP: Is there anything you find particularly challenging to write? 

Kelsey: Emotional scenes. I’m not a very emotional person. Odd for a romance writer I know, but I’m more analytical with my feelings about things.
Author Contact Information:

Kyran of the Blue Ridge Pack has spent most of his life searching for an end to the Forever War. Finding a Hunter among their greatly diminished ranks who was willing to forgo their "shoot first" mentality was harder than it seemed. Then fate—or the gods—gifted him with Alexis James, a petite Hunter with a nasty habit for killing his kind and a need for his surgical skills.
Alexis only has two wishes in life: make it through her next assignment, or die a relatively quick death. With a heart hardened by miserable circumstances and painful memories, her view of kindness and common decency was marred by scars of swift retribution. So when the blue-eyed Lycan saw fit to save her life, she wondered: At what cost?

After eight thousand years of war, the end is becoming a reality, but is the possibility of peace worth Kyran's soul and possibly Alexis' life?

 Book Links:The book is available in both formats.

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