Blog Ring of Power Presents: Beth Barany
Blog Ring of Power time!
Here she is, Beth Barany!
Welcome Beth, have a seat right here and we will get Part 5 rolling.

A certified Creativity Coach, Beth Barany is also the bestselling author ofThe Writer’s Adventure Guide: 12 Stages to Writing Your Book, and Overcome Writer’s Block. She’s recently released Twitter For Authors: Social Media Book Marketing Strategies for Shy Writers, the subject of her national and international talks.
She’s been a columnist and editor at “The National Networker,” and a contributing author to several anthologies, including “Writing Romance,” a bestseller, and “Creativity Coaching Success Stories.”
She was the editor of “When I Was There,” the bestselling anthology of stories about life at UC Berkeley, 1960-2010, and is also the editor for the bestseller, “Honest Medicine: Effective, Time-Tested, Inexpensive Treatments for Life-Threatening Diseases” by Julia Schopick.
Beth Barany is now the editor and publisher of the “Author Entrepreneurship Magazine,” to help authors build and maintain successful careers.
Beth speaks to groups and conferences all over the San Francisco Bay Area, across the United States, and internationally. Typically who she works with are authors who ready to get their books completed and out into the world.
Section #5: Words of Wisdom
BRoP: Tell us about your route to success
– how/when did you decide to self-publish? Did you query an agent first? How
did you handle the editing, proofreading, cover design, etc.
Beth: In January 2011, I decided to
self-publish Henrietta The Dragon Slayer after several years of sending
out about 50 agent and editor queries and only getting nibbles, and after
seeing some of my romance writing friends, and Amanda Hocking, do well as
self-published authors. I handle editing with my critique groups and beta
readers. I hired a proofreader, and my husband did the cover design. I did hire
a cover designer to also help with some of the tech aspects my husband didn’t
know how to do at the time that book came out.
BRoP: What are the most important elements
of good writing?
Beth: Good story telling, a strong compelling
voice and characters, good writing craft, and heart.
BRoP: What tools are must-haves for
Beth: Besides a good space to write, and the
best writing implement a girl could have — a laptop — writers need strong
network of people who know the biz and can give you honest feedback on your
writing, your cover, and your book blurb. In lieu of the traditional
gatekeepers (agents, editors, book buyers), we self-published authors have to
act as gatekeepers for each other. Other must-haves: a sense of humor, a thick
skin, and the ability to have perspective, oh, and self-discipline.
BRoP: Do you have any advice for other
Beth: Yes, 3 things. #1: Write. #2: Write.
And #3: Keep writing. Okay, I borrowed that from someone, I’m sure. Writers
needs perseverance, a strong support network, and plenty of things to feed the
creative soul. And write what you love, whether you love writing for the
market, against the market, or ignoring the market; that’s up to you.
BRoP: What do you feel is the key to your
Beth: Well, that depends on how you define
success. Success for me has been to write a compelling delicious novel that
people want more of. I feel I have finally reached that based on the reviews of
Henrietta The Dragon Slayer and the Grand Prize I received in 2012 from
the California Indie Fiction Challenge. The key to success for me has been
committing to the story above all, above my precious words, and trusting my
intuition to know what the story is I want to tell, then working hard to make
sure I offer a compelling delicious experience. You could say that my touchstone
to create the success I desire is imagining that experience of sinking into the
story and forgetting yourself and the whole world so that you can be a new
person for a little while. I know what this is like as an avid reader; I want
to give that experience to my readers. That is what drives me to write
in the first place.
BRoP: Do you have anything specific that
you want to say to your readers?
Beth: I hope you enjoy my stories as much as
I enjoy writing them!
BRoP: What are your current / future

BRoP: Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Beth: Here's how you can get in touch with me
and learn more about my books.
Contact Information: Beth Barany,
Facebook page:
Goodreads author page:
Is your book in print, ebook or both?
Part 1 - Monday, March 11th @ Sandra Ulbrich Almazon -
Part 2 - Tuesday, March 12th @ Dean C. Rich -
Part 3 - Wednesday, March 13th @ Terri Bruce –
Part 4 - Thursday, March 14th @ T.W. Fendley -
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