Blog Ring of Power: Year in Review with Darke Conteur

YIR3As 2012 comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the joys and triumphs of the year. To that end, we bring you the 2012 Blog Ring of Power Year in Review! We’ve teamed up with this past years’ BRoP interviewees to bring you eleven days worth of “year in review” guest posts and ten fabulous giveaway prizes! Each day we’ll share a new guest post on the year in review from a previous BRoP interviewee and you’ll have another opportunity to enter the giveaway—so get hopping! And be sure to enter the giveaway at the end of this post!
Our friend Darke Conteur is up with some flash backs of her own.

Me(Sept11)Wow, the end of the year already. Can you believe it? In just a few weeks, a new year will be upon us. While I'm excited about what the future holds, I have to admit, I'm pretty fond of 2012. So much has happened this year writing-wise that I think I'll mark this year as the turning point in my career.

My first erotic short story went live in January 2012. Wouldn't you know it; the first piece of writing I make money on is porn. I'd like to expand my collection of published shorts from just science fiction and dark fantasy, and I have several more shorts lined up; one horror, a short paranormal piece and a few more erotic. Well, that's the plan. We'll see.

My paranormal series is doing well. With the release of my second book UNDER THE COVER OF WICCA in January and OF COVENS AND PACKS in June, I'm doing better than I expected. Don't get me wrong, self-publishing is a hard business especially when it comes to sales. I'll be honest; I didn't see any real numbers until April of this year. In the end, I'll be happy when I can pay for the cost of putting one out, without having to use a credit card. My husband will be too.

The books I outlined for the rest of the series will be (I'm hoping) just as exciting with as many twist to the plot as the first three. TALES OF THE DEMON (book four), OMENS AND PORTENDS (book five) and the first of two side novels for the series– THE SAINTS OF BELVEDERE ROAD, are slated to come out next year. No, I'm not crazy trying to get three out in one year. SAINTS has been written for several years and I'm already into the revision stage for TALES.  

Besides more books in my paranormal series, I'm working on two other novels; a paranormal romance and a paranormal Steampunk, both with erotic elements, and in the true style of me, they're the first books in yet two new series. I'm going to be different with these and try to have them published through Indie. If that fails, at least I have the knowledge to put them out myself.

Two winners will be chosen (by Rafflecopter) and each winner will receive one of the prize packs listed (our choice).

Grand Prize Rafflecopter 

General Giveaway
Winners will be chosen from among eligible rafflecopter entries (chosen by rafflecopter) and receive a prize of our choice. We’ll do our best to give the print books to those that don’t have an e-reader, but we can’t make any guarantees, so please be aware when entering that you are most likely going to win an e-book.

Good luck to all the entries and have a great Holiday from all of us at Blog Ring of Power


  1. Thanks for sharing, Em. Congratulations on that year you've had, Darke. Here's hoping that 2013 continues to trend upward...for all of us.
    Happy Holidays, ladies.


    1. Happy Holidays Jimmy! I think it's been a wild year for all of us. Here's to hoping for another. :D

  2. What a great year, Darke - releasing two novels and a story sale! Best wishes for 2013 to bring you even more success!

  3. LOL - oh, and you forgot one milestone: presenting at your first online writing conference :-)


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