Writer Wednesday: Donning the Armor

I'm up on Dragons and Aliens and Wraiths Oh My, talking about the need for thick skin when getting a critique of my work.

It all deals with the mindset.  Keep an open mind and remember that your critique partner is trying to help you get better.

What do you do to don your armor?  Do you react badly to critiques? How do you get past harsh review?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!


  1. I am about as thin skinned, sensitive and downright resistant to editing of any kind. I fight, kick scream, and throw the editor out into the street, banish them to dungeons, and swear curses upon their heads (may they burn in eternal damnation for existing) and their infernal meddling ways.

    Then I think better of it, and pretty much do as they suggest.

    I Tweet at @ProNetworkBuild

    1. I think we all have that reaction (most don't like to admit it) Great response! Thanks for visiting!

  2. I politely explore their ideas with them, preferably on the phone, while privately thinking they are full of crap and just don't get my brilliance. Then, more often than not, I boil down the comments and suggestions to their essence and glean what wisdom I can. Then I hide from the critiquers/editors for several days while I process the info and incorporate it into my psyche. I make changes that reflect an understanding of the criticisms and then pretend that was what I intended all along. :)


    1. I'd have to say I hide quite a bit after a crit, compromise is a creative artist's best friend.
      Thanks for posting Piper. I'd have to say your reaction is brilliant! :D

  3. Both Piper and Lon have described my alter egos, LOL! Thanks for the reminder, E.M. :D

  4. LOL indeed, I have to say I can relate to them as well. Thanks for posting K.B.!

  5. E.M., a good necessary discussion.
    I just finished reading a new book: typos, word misusage, misspellings, then sequence errors, and finally, the climax was confusing, to say the least. A critique group might have caught all this. Made me wonder why this experienced author wasn't part of one.
    I was lucky to be in one for 1.5 yrs. After some mos. I didn't need armor. I took what I agreed with, set aside the rest. My stories and 1 novel might never have been published, if not for that. Find a group, abandon all prideful possession, and let them help you "make good art" [Neil Gaiman]
    Rudy Ch. Garcia


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