My Addiction to Nature

Most people know that I am drawn to Nature. 

This is so true!

However, I haven't really voiced my thoughts on it before. No, it's been a private hobby of discovering the truth from what we eat to sustainable ways of creating electricity.

So I've created a web site for this very reason. It's called The Natural Magic.

Yeah, I'll never be able to get away from magic. LOL Then again, I don't need to. It's fine. I love getting a bit magical dragon now and then as well. That's is why this blog will be up and running no matter what.

I also wouldn't want to take any of you away from my author buddies that show up every week.

So head over to The Natural Magic and sign up for the e-mailing list. That way you wont miss any of that and you'll still have all the book/dragon/author love here.

Let me show you some Hartworks hobbit love, and yes there's a e-book waiting to be sold. If you click on the link Hartworks will give me a bit of the profit. See everyone wins.

To check out the beautiful book of pictures at the end. Click Here!

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