Blog Ring of Power Presents: Anna Erishkigal

Author Bio:
Anna Erishkigal is an attorney who writes fantasy fiction under a pen-name so her colleagues don't question whether her legal pleadings are fantasy fiction as well. Much of law, it turns out, -is- fantasy fiction. Lawyers just prefer to call it 'zealously representing your client.'

At least in fiction, if a character becomes troublesome, you can always kill them off.

Part 1 @ Sandra - Monday, November 25
Part 2 @ Vicki - Tuesday, November 26
Part 3 @ Terri - Wednesday, November 27
Part 4 @ T. W. - Thursday, November 28
Part 5 @ Yup, you made it this far! - Friday, November 29
#5: Words of Wisdom
- A.E.: Since 2001 I've had a
non-fiction legal self-help manual I've been self-publishing because a
traditional publisher wouldn't let me bootleg copies and hand them out
for free to the low-income and battered women I wrote the book to help.
it came time to start editing up some of my fiction stories I wrote 'for fun,'
(when I got up to 17 manuscripts, most of them crap, my husband started
dropping hints it was time to start looking for a publisher), I treated it like
I would any other business venture. I
subscribed to all the prestigious writing magazines. I went online and researched 'how to get your
book published.' I read fiction-writing craft
books. I joined a prestigious writers
group (not Plot Bunnies) full of
serious, traditionally published authors and picked their brains. I borrowed 'how to find an agent' books from
the library. And most importantly, I
went to several conferences and pitchapalooza's where publishers, editors and
agents stood up in front of us and told us how unworthy we were, how likely it
was our book would fail, and even if we did
meet success, they expected us to
do all the work of building our own social media platform to market our own
Huh? I do all the work and you give me 7%? I decided right then and there I would rather
give away every book I ever write away for free to readers who like my work,
the same way I give away my legal self-help manual to low-income women who need
it, before I'd hand over control of my 'babies' to those pompous jerks! I never
did pitch an agent. I will succeed, or
fail, on my own merits.
an indie is a long, hard slog. But if
you keep persisting and constantly seek to improve your writing, gradually you
begin to build a readership.
- DIY: Formatting is easy once you know how to
do it, as is the physical process of digitizing things into eBooks or
print-on-demand and uploading it to all the major distribution
platforms. I do that 100%
myself. I still do as much of my
own editing, proofreading and cover design as I can, but these days I do pay somebody to final-proofread
my work so I don't get embarrassing reviews about missed typos or
possessive plural apostrophes in the incorrect place. And Rochelle does my cover art, though
I graft on my own graphics.
thing with being an Indie is that, to survive, you always have to have a
cost-benefit analysis running in the back of your mind of how much it will cost
versus how much you're likely to recoup in sales. The truth is that most books don't sell,
especially Indies who don't have the benefit of discovery vehicles such as
major bookstore chains where people can find their work. Even exceptionally well-written,
traditionally published books often fail to sell. Write the best book you can. Edit it to the best of your ability. Run it by your critique group and
beta-readers. Then send it out into the
world, praying it is enough.
first book I had no choice but to do everything myself. It's kind of like that first baby you have
when you're young and broke. You do the
best you can with what you have, line a dresser drawer with a blanket from a
thrift shop, buy second-hand clothes, breastfeed and puree your own baby food. Even though it's less than perfect, if you
love that baby and lavish it with every bit of attention you can, most readers
will intuit that and love your story as much as you do. By the time you get to your second or third
baby, hopefully you've taken any money you've earned on the first one and
poured it back into things like taking classes to fix areas your writing is
weak, hiring a professional proofreader, and paying somebody to design your next cover.
of my professional Indie author friends, by the time they get to book 6 or 7
and their writing career becomes self-sustaining as a means to earn a living,
go back into their backlist, hire the editor they couldn't afford in the first
place to rip apart their first story, then re-release their firstborn with the
book cover and 'shoes' they wish they'd been able to afford at the time. These are the Indie authors who are now
defying the odds and hitting the New York Times and USA Today bestseller
lists. I hope to someday join them.
- AE: Be true to your
characters. If you write
compelling characters that resonate with your reader and grip them by the
heart to take them for a wild ride, they will forgive all sorts of
bugaboos in your writing.
- AE: Readers;
- Beta-readers;
- A critique group;
- Taking the time to
analyze those 'I loved this story, but…' comments from your readers. Those are areas you can improve. An author should always strive to perfect their writing. It can always be better. This
is just the nature of the beast.
- AE: Don't quit your day
job. Not only does writing not pay for 99.9% of the people
who write content, but the people and situations you come across in your day-to-day work will provide a
great deal of the inspiration for your writing.
- AE: Success? I'm just an indie still slogging along,
but as a writer, I've developed some amazing
relationships with readers.
I've got people from all over the world who write to me and I've
found inspiration for future stories from cultures I'd never even
considered. Pakistan? Malaya?
Vanuatu? Brazil? Each reader is a gift, and what they
tell you they got out of your story when viewed from the lense of their
culture is an even bigger gift!
other day a friend of mine asked me to compose a bunch of Tweets to broadcast
through her social media network to drum up sales. I'm kind of clueless on Twitter and didn't
know what to say, so she went to my Amazon page and pulled out excerpts from
some of the reviews people have written on my books. It was like, wow! People really said things like that about my
work? It was rather humbling.
- AE: If you love your readers,
they will love you back, especially when they write to you and say things
like, 'maybe you could…' or 'why didn't you…' Yup … when a reader writes to me with a
suggestion, I try to figure out if there's some way I can use that
suggestion in a future book. War
camels, for example… You guys
- AE: I've still got a bunch of
rough draft manuscripts to edit and get out in the Sword and subsequent,
related Knife series, but as far as new
writing is concerned, I've got a second book in the Children of the
Fallen series on the draft board, a merman story I'm plotting out. Picture this … girl meets sexy
oceanographer professor in a wheelchair … Nick … muscular … sexy … dark
hair and eyes the color of the cold Atlantic in January and, oh? What's that hidden beneath the blanket
of his wheelchair? A tail? And oh, by-the-way, my heroine is
afraid of water! Yeah … this next
one's going to be pure paranormal romance, but like all of my stories, it
will be thoroughly researched and have a message beyond the romantic
- Join me doing NaNoWriMo (National
Novel Writing Month) in November!
50,000 words in 30 days … the suckier the story … the better! And then we can all get drunk together
at the TGIO (thank god it's over) party in December and read our sucky, unplotted
drivel out loud and shout huzzah at who has the worst story ever! Whoo-wee!!!
Contact Information:
author page:
Author Page:
Author Page:
Agents of Ki won't be out until the
Archangel Mikhail stops whispering to me in my sleep about last-minute edits,
but why not download and read Book 1 of the series, The Chosen One, for FREE on most distribution platforms and, if you
like it, move onto Prince of Tyre? By the time you read through those two, Agents of Ki should be out. [*Come
closer, said the spider to the fly. Just
a taste … and then you'll become addicted to my series.*]
(Epic Fantasy/Space Opera)
by Anna Erishkigal
At the dawn of time, two ancient adversaries battled for control of Earth. One man rose to stand at humanity's side. A soldier whose name we still remember today.
by Anna Erishkigal
At the dawn of time, two ancient adversaries battled for control of Earth. One man rose to stand at humanity's side. A soldier whose name we still remember today.
"A creative alternative to the
history of what we call angels. It feels like...Star Trek meets creation
mythos." (reader review)
*FREE* for a limited time at:
*FREE* for a limited time at:
*Print edition qualifies for the
Amazon Matchbook program.
Reader Reviews:
"Erishkigal excels at painting complex characters, with believable flaws and lovable quirks." (reader review)
"This book leaves me without words. For three days I read a story so unbelievably beautiful it stole the very breath from my lungs. If there is a true fantasy book in existence, it is this." (reader review)
"Much better than 90% of current science fiction ....would be epic as a cable series or movie trilogy." (reader review)
"Erishkigal excels at painting complex characters, with believable flaws and lovable quirks." (reader review)
"This book leaves me without words. For three days I read a story so unbelievably beautiful it stole the very breath from my lungs. If there is a true fantasy book in existence, it is this." (reader review)
"Much better than 90% of current science fiction ....would be epic as a cable series or movie trilogy." (reader review)
My 14 yr old just self-published Confessions of a Middle School Nerd on Lulu & I really liked your insight on going indie & forging your wn way as an author. Best of luck to you on your journey!