Blog Ring of Power Presents: Aaron Dennis

Welcome to another Blog Ring of Power Friday!  
Up on deck is Aaron Dennis. I had fun with his innitials.  I mean, think about it, AD, tehehe. Yeah, it's Friday, E.M. has gone loony.  Oh wait, I've always been there. It's just a typical day then. 

Okay, back on track. As always, check out the other BRoP hosts to see the entirety of is interview. 

Part 3 *waves* - May 31st

I’m Aaron Dennis, creator of the Lokians science fiction series. I’ll let you guess how old I am. I’ve only been writing since early 2011, and published since August 2012, but I came out like a bat from hell. Not out like out, but like out of nowhere…At any rate, everything you need to know about me is available on my website  Like Lokians on facebook or baby leopards will loose their spots. * * Disclaimer, Aaron is literally nuts *  (So he fits right in!)

Section #3: The Creative Process

BRoP: Where do you get your story ideas?
AD: In one form, or another, they all come from dreams. With the Lokians series it was based on a dream I had when I was 12. I traveled with a race of aliens to a frozen planet to find a second race of aliens to then fight a third race. That basic pretext turned into 3 Lokians novels.

BRoP: Do you have a specific writing style?
AD: I want to say no, but I almost always include a ton of action. It’s probably the only recurrent phenomenon. I do have two short stories, which are not action packed, but there’s still just a little bit in there.

BRoP: How do you deal with writer’s block?
AD: It’s never happened to me. I don’t understand the concept.

BRoP: How do you develop your plots and characters? Do you use any set formula?
AD: Nope. I pick a name at random, give one or two mannerisms, and a speech inflection. Then, they create themselves. Often times, I don’t even know the plot. With Lokians: Book 1 Beyond the End of the World, all I knew I wanted was that portion of the dream I spoke of earlier. With Losing Human, a short story, all I wanted was a roboticist who uploaded his brainwaves into a computer.

BRoP: Are you a “plotter” or a “pantser” (do you plan/outline the story ahead of time or write “by the seat of your pants”)?
AD: Guess I’d choose pantser, but that makes me sound like someone who goes around pantsing people….

BRoP:  Do you use critique partners or beta readers? Why or why not?
AD: I do not, but I am working on a new novel, a fantasy adventure entitled From Blood, and did ask for beta readers just to see what kind of feedback I might receive. Will keep you all posted. Also, if you want to beta read this novel, shoot me an email at with From Blood in the subject line. I will provide a PDF and a comments form.

BRoP: How much time do you spend on research? What type of research do you do?
AD: Countless hours. Seriously….you can’t count the hours. I research every aspect from mechanical engineering, to string theory, Voodoo practices, Native American spirit lore, you name it, I’m lookin’ it up. After all, credibility is what keeps a story solid. What good is a great plot and characters if the whole thing is unintelligible? Like….Prometheus. Talk about a garbage grade movie. Didn’t even finish it. Walked out. BEYOND THE END OF THE WORLD — Your neighborhood exterminator can’t handle these cockroaches…call Earth Navy.
Captain O’Hara leads a special operations team aboard an alien ship. Thewls informed Earth Navy the monstrous Lokians, a race of alien roaches, are on the prowl. They ravage the galaxy in search of new technology with which they integrate to enhance their own abilities. 
Will the Human crew be enough to stop the alien threat? Why do the Thewls hold fast in their belief that Humans have met their benefactors, the travelers? Captain O’Hara charges across worlds unknown to save the galaxy.

Lokians2_TheyLurkAmongUs_200x300_dpi72.233125609_stdLOKIANS: THEY LURK AMONG US — With aliens in Earth’s government only The Bureau can be trusted.
An attack on an Yvlekesh lab, Lokian stem cells, Gray drones, a Non-Organic Alien Human Hybrid, a ruined relationship with Thewlian allies, and the capture of his parents by President Montrose has Riley on edge. As former Naval Captain of a special operations team, Riley O’Hara must figure a way to fight off an alien threat, discern the reason for alien hybrids, save his parents, and extinguish an alien threat coming to Earth. With a little help from new friends, old friends, and The Bureau, Riley and crew strike a blow for justice.

Please let us know where your readers can stalk you:
Facebook page:
Goodreads author page: I don’t know but it’s there somewhere….just look for Lokians
Amazon: again…just type in Lokians
Smashwords: this is available on my site. J


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