Blog Ring of Power Presents: E.B. Black

It's Friday!!! Okay, everyone get out the party hats.  The weather is getting warmer and we have another guest on Blog Ring of Power.  This one was plucked from AQC to bare her soul to us... Uh I mean show off her book and writing ways.

So lets have a look at her greatness, and don't forget to check out the other parts of the interview

Part 1 @ Terri Bruce – Wednesday, April 3rd
Part 2 @ T.W. Fendley - Thursday, April 4th
Part 3 @Emily LaBonte - Friday, April 5th ~Yup, here we are!~
Part 4 @ Sandra Ulbrich Almazon - Monday, April 8th
Part 5 @ Dean C. Rich - Tuesday, April 9th

E.B. Black lives in southern California with her family and two dogs. She spends her time daydreaming about the worlds she will thrown her characters into next and what it would be like to dress up as a necromancer for Halloween.

Section #3: The Creative Process

BRoP:  Where do you get your story ideas? 

E.B.: Something I've observed or felt in my life usually sparks them. Like recently, I was thinking about how much sadder I usually feel when night time rolls around. I love the sun. And then, randomly, a plot bunny popped into my head about a nymph who is in love with the god of night, but because he betrayed her, she is terrified of him and avoids him. She teleports and runs from place to place, rarely sleeping, all to keep away from the night and avoid falling in love with the god of night's presence. Because the only way to stay away from him is to always be in the sun.

BRoP:  Do you have a specific writing style? 

E.B.: My stories are usually dark and I write with the hope of making readers feel emotion when reading my stories. I don't shy away from any topic. The majority of my novels will have happy endings, but not all of them do.

BRoP: How do you deal with writer’s block?

E.B.: I write anyway. Sometimes it's harder to type the words I want to say on my computer, but I force myself to write anyway. Even a poorly written scene is better than no scene at all. After it's written, I usually find ways I can tweak it to make it better or show my critique partners and ask them what I can do to make it better.

BRoP:  How do you develop your plots and characters? Do you use any set formula?

E.B.: Stories often come to me in chunks. I'll jot down ideas, so that I don't forget them and add to those ideas later until it's ready.

BRoP:  Are you a “plotter” or a “pantser” (do you plan/outline the story ahead of time or write “by the seat of your pants”)?

E.B.: I am a mixture of both now. When I first started writing seriously, I was a plotter all the way. I didn't know how to create characters or keep a plot consistent unless I planned every detail ahead of time. Now, I sometimes have a general idea for a story in my head and just start writing. Or I sometimes write a detailed, but brief outline in comparison to the past and write my story based off of that.

BRoP: Do you use critique partners or beta readers? Why or why not?

E.B.: I almost always use critique partners. I tend to write stories that have a lot going on from scene to scene. My critique partners help me flesh out stories and characters so they feel more real.

BRoP: How much time do you spend on research? What type of research do you do?

E.B.: It depends on the story. I've spent as much as a month straight reading and researching things like mythological characters and gods for my fantasy stories. I've also often researched the stages of death and ways to die because I love writing about necromancers.

BRoP:  Is there anything you find particularly challenging to write?

E.B.: I find it difficult to write romance without a fantasy element included. I'd love to write a contemporary or historical romance novel, but without those fantastical elements, I usually find that I don't have a lot to say.

Medusa's Desire By E.B. Black
    When Medusa was beautiful, finding a man to love her was easy. Poseidon fought for glances from her heavy-lidded eyes against suitors who proposed whenever she left her house. Even goddesses weren't treated with such worship.

    Athena grew jealous. She allowed Medusa to be violated in the Parthenon and turned her into a monster for her indiscretion.

    Now when Medusa stares into the eyes of men, they scream as their skin hardens into stone. A caress against her cheek will be rewarded with the poisonous bites of the snakes that slither on her head.

    No man is brave enough to approach her, until Perseus is ordered by the gods to kill her.

    When they meet, desire sizzles between them. They are willing to risk it all-death, the wrath of the gods, the destruction of their families-if it means they can spend one more night together.

    Here's how to find her and her books.

    What format is your book(s) available in (print, e-book, audio book, etc.)?


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