
Showing posts from November, 2013

Blog Ring of Power Presents: Anna Erishkigal

The Blog Ring of Power (BRoP) is a consortium of five speculative fiction writers who have banded together to bring you highlights from the current speculative fiction market--news, reviews, and interviews with speculative fiction authors--with an emphasis on small-press and self-published authors. So grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and relax. Have we got a story for you... Author Bio: Anna Erishkigal is an attorney who writes fantasy fiction under a pen-name so her colleagues don't question whether her legal pleadings are fantasy fiction as well. Much of law, it turns out, -is- fantasy fiction. Lawyers just prefer to call it 'zealously representing your client.'  Seeing the dark underbelly of life makes for some interesting fictional characters. The kind you either want to incarcerate, or run home and write about. In fiction, you can fudge facts without worrying too much about the truth. In legal pleadings, if your client lies to you, you look stu...

Blog Ring of Power Presents: Jennie Bates Bozic

Welcome to another Friday of The Blog Ring of Power in the Realm. I hope you are all comfy, relaxed or gearing up because it's interview time. Let me introduce Jennie Bates Bozic. The beginning part of her interview can be found on the following epic sites: Part 1 @ Sandra - Monday, November 18th Part 2 @ Vicki - Tuesday, November 19th Part 3 @ Terri - Wednesday, November 20th Part 4 and Part 5 @ You are here. (makes me wish I had one of those moving pointers.) - Friday, November 22nd Alright so let's get to the good stuff!   Author Bio: I’m a visual effects artist for film and television by day, and at night I don my author cape and pen stories for the YA crowd. I love a good fairy tale, especially if there’s a creepy twist, so that’s what I write. I met my husband in the World of Warcraft and we live in Los Angeles with our cat. We spend our time playing video games, reading, hiking, sweeping up cat hair, and cursing the terrible traffic. Sectio...

Blog Ring of Power Presents: Crystal Collier

Welcome to this week’s Blog Ring of Power guest, Crystal Collier, author of  MOONLESS . We were fortuntate enough to grab Crystal for some words during her blog tour. Don't forget to check out the Rafflecopter giveaway. Wooohooo on perfect timing! Okay, let's get down to the interview, shall we.  Here’s the  l ink to her  Rafflecopter giveaway ! Crystal is a Young Adult Author who's been accused of an obsession with cheese. She answers that anyone who accuses her merely of "obsession" is grossly misinformed. Cheese is the best food on the planet. Cheese makes the world go round.  Cheese=happiness .  Don’t miss the rest of Crystal’s interview at: About You —  Sandra  — 11/11 The Writing Life:  Vicki –11/12 The Creative Process:  Terri –11/13 About Your Currant Work: T.W. - 11/14 Words of Wisdom:  Emily –11/15 Words of Wisdom BRoP: What are the most important elements of good writing? Crystal: Hear...

Blog Ring of Power Presents: PK Hrezo

Welcome to this week’s Blog Ring of Power guest, PK Hrezo, a native Floridian whose life could easily be a Jimmy Buffet song. She shares her home with her firefighter husband and their two children. When not creating characters and their worlds, PK can be found at her other job of rearranging passenger’s itineraries for a major international airline. The only hobbies she loves more than traveling, are reading, writing, and music, and when the four are combined she exists in total bliss. Don’t miss the rest of P.K.’s interview: Part 1 @  Sandra  - Monday, Nov.  4 Part 2 @  Vicki  - Tuesday, Nov. 5 Part 3 @  Terri  - Wednesday, Nov 6 Part 4 @ T.W. - Thursday, Nov 7 Part 5 Is here, take a seat and let's check out out PK Section #5: Words of Wisdom BRoP: Tell us about your route to success – how/when did you decide to self-publish? Did you query an agent first? How did you handle the editing, proofreading, cover d...