Blog Ring of Power Presents: Caterina Torres

Welcome to another Blog Ring of Power, today we have my friend from the great AQC . Thanks for joining us Cat, let's learn a bit about your Creative Process. Cat: I am in my mid-twenties and I graduated with a BA in Anthropology and a minor in Humanities. The name I go by is Cat and I love to write about the apocalypse, but not in the biblical sense of the word. Any sort of dystopian, end of the world stories seriously interest me. I guess it has a lot to do with being part of the rat race of life, trying to climb the great ladder of success. BRoP: Where do you get your story ideas? Cat: Driving to and from work. You wouldn't believe how much I can think when I have to commute two hours a day. BRoP: Do you have a specific writing style? Cat: I don't outline anything, except the timeline, and I write from the beginning to end. I don't jump around the story. BRoP: How do you deal with writer’s block? Cat: Write another b...