Writers Wednesday: Inspiration
Everyone drives inspiration from somewhere. Whether for writing, painting, architecture, or any other creative outlet. There is always an idea hovering around to be plucked and used in some other form. So here is my idea for my writing friends. Take what inspiration you usually feed your muse with, and put it away. Now look for something different. An old building crumbling from years of neglect, it has a story waiting to be told. How about a old history lesson. You heard about all the wars of the world, every living creature had a story through it. Look for something different then your normal go-to. Here's a link for 31 ways to find Inspiration . and a link to some more links cause sometimes surfing the web is the way to go. Life is a very diverse thing, and so too are we. He told me that he wanted to hold the world in his hands. I thought that was silly when whoever controls the sun controls not just this wo...