Pantser turned Outliner. Is it the end of the world?

No, not the end of the world. I've spent the last few days away from the computer. Yes I was still writing. I was back to the old, can't go wrong, pen and paper method. I have to say that I really did miss that free flow of ink to paper feel. So why the switch? Am I still working on that stubborn MS or did I create a new one? Answer: Both. I've been having difficulties in some chapters. I had written a full first draft. It was alright but on the editing I found I needed a revamp, bad. So I started the rewrite. I cannot state this enough, don't just focus on the first chapter till you think it's perfect, because you'll end up spending the rest of your life 'perfecting' it. Impossible to do. My suggestion: rewrite it and move on and rewrite each and every chapter. Life too short to focus too much on how well you opening line catches the reader's attention. That can come when you're into a deeper edit. From Cliffhanger Editing Website ...