Blog Ring of Power Presents: P.T. Dilloway
Wait for it... wait for it... Okay! It's that time again! That time where I rant about stupid things? No no no. It's Blog Ring of Power time! When five blogs stick one author in the spotlight for a week and make them shine. (Um Terri, the glitter isn't working in this light, tell Irene to quit messing with it. No no, Dean, the computer wants a makeover, that's why it's messing with you. Sandra... wait, what was that in the shadows? T.W. um can you time warp this to work right? No? Don't worry, it's all good. I think I've got it. The glitter has to go though. Now where is that super hero cape... Don't worry P.T. this will look great on you.) Okay, all joking aside. I'd like to introduce you all to P.T. Dilloway. Welcome to the Realm. This is Part 5 of the five part interview. I hope everyone gets a chance to check out the other four parts. Part 1 @ Sandra - Monday, February...