
Showing posts from March, 2012

T.W. Fendley Book Party!

 Welcome T.W. Fendley! T.W. has been hosting the Blog Ring of Power with me for several months. In that time we've become good friends over the web.  I was excited when she told me about what she was planning. So, with the joined effort of many others we have come together to bring all of you her Book Party!  T.W. Fendley writes historical fantasy and science fiction with a Mesoamerican twist for adults and young adults. Her debut historical fantasy novel, ZERO TIME, was voted Best Science Fiction/Fantasy Novel in the 2011 P&E Readers Poll. Her short stories took second place in the 2011 Writers' Digest Horror Competition and won the 9th NASFiC 2007 contest. Teresa belongs to the St. Louis Writer's Guild, the Missouri Writers' Guild, SCBWI and Broad Universe. BOOK BLURB: As Zero Time nears, only Keihla Benton can save two worlds from the powers of Darkness. But first she must unlock the secrets of Machu Picchu and her own past. When Philadelphia science writ...

The Versatile Blogger Award, I've been nominated.

I recieved a tweet over a week ago, I've been nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award.  Well... Whoot! The great and wonderful Kela McClelland had placed me as one of 15 that she named.  I've been busy, but I wanted to thank her for this awesome award. YAY  I hope everyone jumps over to Kela's blog after you read mine. Leave some comments, show some love. These are the rules of the nomination 1. Create a post for the Versatile Blogger Award. Ok, check.  2. In the same post, thank the blogger who gave you the award and put a link back to their blog. Check again! Oh and did I mention THANK YOU KELA! 3. Nominate 15 other people for this award and let them know. This may be the hard part. 4. Post seven random things about yourself. Will post below 5. Include these rules in your post. Check again.  Seven random things about myself.  Hmmmm 1) Ok, I guess I'll start with being a twin. Yup, I'm a twin.  Fraternal, which means not the same egg. W...

The Island: Ship Wrecked part 2

The waves crashed against her feet, as Melandra coughed wet sand out of her mouth.  Dazed, she lifted her head to look around.  She was alive, but alone.  Debris from the ship lay all around her, along with the crates from the cargo hold.  However, there were no signs of any other survivors. She was shocked to find that all of her items, though waterlogged, stayed with her, reminding her of her determination to hold on to her only protection.  She was dizzy and weak from floating on bits of wood all night.  Hurt but still alive the wind reminded her that she may not remain so if she doesn't get warm, and soon.  The temperature was only slightly warming with dawns light breaking over the pine trees, past the beach. She searched around but all there was to offer was wet wood. Causing it to be much more difficult to light a fire than it usually was.  She owed it to being so dizzy and disoriented.  Looking around she spotted black smo...

Blog Ring of Power: Interview with Darke Conteur

So when the Blog Ring of Power was starting off, not too long ago, I had an idea of who I would ask to come visit and tell us all about themselves.  I had to ask Darke as I've read her work, and yup, LOVE IT. I'm so happy she said yes! She's down to earth and a buddy of mine on AQC (there's that writers place again, hmmm I meet lots of people there... hint hint)  So with a fan squeal and no more delay I give you the first section of Darke Conteur's interview with The Blog Ring of Power. About You BRoP: How long have you been writing? Darke:  Since I was seventeen, so close to twenty-seven years. Wow, that's a long time. BRoP:  Tell us about your early worksā€”what was the first thing you ever wrote? Darke:  The first thing I ever wrote was a novel about a teenage girl who runs away and becomes popular. I know, horrible, but teenage angst was all I knew, 'cause I was a teenager.  BRoP:  When did you first consider yourself a profession...

Lucky 7 MEME

So I was tagged in another Meme, by Dean C Rich and Cherie, which is great cause they're fun. :) And this one is called Lucky 7s. My lucky number. Sounds good so here it goes. Lucky 7!   This one is quite easy, so without any delay, here are the rules: 1. Go to page 77 of your current ms. 2. Go to line 7. 3. Copy down the next 7 lines/sentences, and post them as they're written. No cheating. 4. Tag 7 other victims, er, authors. I'm going to ask your forgiveness in advance for my pg 77. Though I haven't looked at it, in a while, I'm doing a complete rewrite on my Work In Progress so this may be a bit rough.   From Second Nature Her curvy body was dressed in greens and browns of vines to cover her.  The ladyā€™s feet looked like the roots of trees imbedded in the ground.  Nemune gasped in awe. From one side of Nature came Una and Endoria, from the other came Agasga and Rytharvin. Nemune watched as Dawveed got up from where he lay....

Blog Ring of Power: Interview with Sue Burke

Sue Burke joins me to discuss the creative process of translating Amadis  into English.  Thanks for joining us. For the BRoP previous interviews about Sue and her writing process check out Terri Bruce and T. W. Fendly 's blogs. For the next section on the technical aspects check out Sandra's blog. To finish it up Dean Rich will be hosting Sue on his blog. Hope you stop by and see just what goes into translating Amadis into English. This photo of Sue on the city walls of Buitrago de Lozoya near Madrid.   Sue Burke lives and writes in Madrid. Originally from Milwaukee, Wis., much of her career was spent as a reporter and editor, covering everything from dog shows to politics to crime. She began writing fiction twenty years ago and has published short stories in various magazines and anthologies, as well as poetry and non-fiction. Her current project is a translation of the medieval fantasy story,  Amadis of Gaul .   The Creative Process ...

D&D quotes from my favorite games

As many of my readers know, I'm a Dungeons and Dragons player.  Have been for the last 15 years.  I game to escape reality. I game to feel like I'm in another world able to do fantastical things.  I game to gain inspiration. Yet, the REAL reason why I game, is the random things that come out of my friends, and my mouth. Such as: "Ah, the very uncommon guard rat, comes now in hordes." "Everyone get out your D20s, its almost Initiative time." "Where there's a will save, there's a way." "I pull out my dagger. I never leave home without it." "You're about to die, roll for death magic." "If you're not back by morning, you're probably rat food." "If you wish to join with the hacking and slashing, come on in." "Laying on of hands? You just like touching people, I'm starting to feel left out. Damn high AC." "How much damage do you do to the door with one kick...

Blog Ring of Power: Interview with Rebecca Hamilton Part 1

E.M.'s connection to Rebecca:  I met her while looking around the blog-sphere for contests with editors.  At the time she had not yet published and still had the blog: Free Editing for Writers.  I had signed up for her contest and ended up winning her last 50pg edit on the blog.  Her hints and suggestions helped me grow as a writer.  I couldn't help but want to follow her on her own  journey .  Once the BRoP was decided and went live, I knew exactly who I wanted to interview and I'm so happy she said yes!  Rebecca Hamilton writes Paranormal Fantasy, Horror, and Literary Fiction. She lives in Florida with her husband and three kids, along with multiple writing personalities that range from morbid to literary. She enjoys dancing with her kids to television show theme songs and would love the beach if it  weren't  for the sand. Having a child diagnosed with autism has inspired her to illuminate the world through the eyes of character...